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The Famly Story

Famly Stand: G7
The Famly Story

What motivated the creation of your organization/ brand?
Many moons ago, our founder felt distanced from his daughter’s nursery and her learning journey- so he made an app to make that collaboration easier. Twelve years later, our mission is still about helping adults collaborate so every unique child can thrive. Our brand reflects that, as we strive to be trustworthy, knowledgeable, and something educators can always rely on.Have you achieved any major goals within your business recently?
We recently launched our customer community called Village, and we’re unbelievably proud of it. It’s an online space for EY educators across the entire UK to connect, share knowledge, ask questions, and feel part of a community. Every educator deserves support and a safe space to connect with other dedicated professionals, and we’re so happy we had the resources to make it for them!


Have you had to overcome any unique challenges?
We’ve had our fair share, but our most recent challenge was around tax-free childcare. We knew it was difficult for nurseries to track and manage incoming tax-free childcare payments, and even harder for parents to understand what to do - so we worked with HMRC to make the first ever TFC integration! It took many, many months, a few sleepless nights for our engineers, lots of crazy technical bits and bobs, and a few setbacks with linking everything up, but we think it was 100% worth it.


What are your clients’ favourite things about you?
We could list some of the features they really love, but when they say “We know we are providing an even better quality of care and education because of our use of Famly,” we smile from ear to ear. We hear time and time again that our platform lets educators prioritise the children instead of mounds of paperwork, and we’re so proud to hear it.


Is there anything more that you’d like visitors at the Show to know?
We’d love to let them know that we’re not just software! We try to give back to the sector in as many ways as we possibly can - like our free blog, sector documentaries, campaigns and the like. So even if they don’t choose to buy Famly, they can still access our pedagogical resources, interviews, guides and more. We want to help every child thrive - not just children whose settings happen to use Famly.


How has exhibiting at events like ours impacted your brand/business?
It lets us connect with the people that matter most - early years professionals. Of course we’d love them to become a customer, but being at events means we can meet and connect with compassionate and dedicated professionals. It has such a big impact on us, as it reminds us why we created Famly in the first place. It gives us motivation to continue fighting on behalf of the sector, and reminds us that we’re just a support act. The educators are the stars of the show.

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