Cheryl Warren
Cheryl has over 30 years’ experience within the early years and childcare sector. On completion of the NNEB, Cheryl’s career has seen her undertake roles as a nanny, family support, LA advisor, SENCO, trainer, assessor, lecturer and quality inspector.
Cheryl is now an early year’s consultant and trainer with her own company, Aperion Training, with a passion and specialism for neurodiversity in early years, supporting early years settings and schools to become autism environment champions. Cheryl regularly speaks at events and conferences nationwide and is currently writing her first book on this important subject area.
Cheryl works with nurseries across the country, delivering training for teams as well as visits to settings offering her autism environmental audits, along with support to embed her recommendations. She also provides in person guided support on quality neuroinclusive practice, SEND policy reviews and SENCo support for several nursery chains.
Cheryl is an award-winning trainer and consultant and is clear on her mission; to provide early years spaces that enable our neurodivergent children to thrive, not just survive