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Jennifer Lewis

Jennifer Lewis

CEO, Smarty Pants Abbey Lane Nursery and Clever Cloggs Day Nursery

During my thirty years running childcare establishments in Newham, I have strived to provide an environment that not only meets the needs of families, but is also an environment where staff can carve a career in childcare.

I now want to share my knowledge and ideas for the future development of the PVI sector. This has led to me facilitating Core Joint PVI Inset Training for other settings.

On 13th February 2025, I also facilitated my event, Insight, advice and strategies for childcare providers when employing apprentices, where employers were able to find out about the Apprenticeship Levy Transfer and how they could make savings in relation to the Employer Class 1 National Insurance Contribution for apprentices. This is a game changer for childcare providers as this is information that has not been widely shared with the sector.
